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Presentation at the Indo-Pacific Fish conference

22 November 2023

The Indo-Pacific Fish Conference is one of the biggest fish conference in the world! Culum and I were lucky to attend it and present our work. I presented the fish tool use project and everyone was thrilled by the videos of wrasses cracking their prey on rocks!

Talk Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 2023 Juliette Tariel-Adam

The rockmover wrasse is also able to use tools?

2 August 2023

Charlene has seen the rockmover wrasse (Novaculichthys taeniourus) smashing its prey on a rock while holding the prey in its mouth. It used the rock as a tool to help it break up its prey. It is not surprising given the daily habit of this fish: it is always busy moving rocks and coral rubbles with its mouth in search of prey. Have you got a video of a rockmover wrasse using tools? Send it to us! To our knowledge, no one has described this species as using tools before and no video is available.

Rockmover wrasse by Jenny Huang

Thanks ++ to Charlene for taking the time to report her observation. She is a dive instructor in Mauritius. You can learn a lot about the marine life in Mauritius by following her Insta account @divingislife.ig

New species filmed using tools for the first time!

2 July 2023

C.E. O'Brien has filmed this species of wrasse that have never been filmed before striking prey items on rocks. They are our main contributor with 4 videos sent so far. Thanks again to them for this new video! Follow them on Instagram.

You can see that is not that easy to use tools when you have many fish around trying to steal your precious prey!
The prey in the video is a brittle star, also called an ophiuroid. Brittle stars belong to a different family from starfish and can be recognised by their thiner arms.

Presentation of the project at ASAB conference

27 June 2023

I presented the project during the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour at Macquarie University.
Talk ASSAB 2023 Juliette Tariel-Adam

Presentation of the project to the Underwater Research Group of NSW

9 Mai 2023

I had the pleasure to present the project to the Underwater Research Group of NSW , a not-for-profit scuba diving club with special interest to participate in research projects.

Presentation Underwater Research Group

I got a lot of free beer in exchange, thanks to this super nice diving club!